A web hosting service can be generally characterized as a company, usually with a website, that provides you with a subdomain or domain and web space which you can use to store your website or files. Your website is stored on the company's server. That way a visitor has just to type your website's domain or subdomain to get to your website.
To get such a service you have to register at the company's website and if the service is paid you have to pay your subscription and monthly fee, usually with a credit card. After that you get a confirmation email with your registration info. At last you just have to login to the company's website and start using the service(usually via the control panel).
Apart from the web space and the domain/subdomain many companies offer other very important features such as FTP, Database Support, Server Scripting Platforms(such as PHP) and more. This features are the ones that determine the pricing and quality of the web hosting service.
To get such a service you have to register at the company's website and if the service is paid you have to pay your subscription and monthly fee, usually with a credit card. After that you get a confirmation email with your registration info. At last you just have to login to the company's website and start using the service(usually via the control panel).
Apart from the web space and the domain/subdomain many companies offer other very important features such as FTP, Database Support, Server Scripting Platforms(such as PHP) and more. This features are the ones that determine the pricing and quality of the web hosting service.
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